
Thomas Tornevall authored 10439370d39M
Pull request #4: PHPDB-17 6.1.0 Merge in LIB/tornelib-php-database from PHPDB-17-6.1.0 to master * commit '4cce643fd459d7d44a0b47a816ba0fdab3e56849': README updated. Interface initialized. DatabaseConfig.php added. PHPDB-19: Removed old drivers and interfaces as they are extremely confusing. PHPDB-19: Interface touch - adjusted old files to make them readable. Updated structure and contend. Adjustments added. Docblocs updated. phpcs junk removed. PHPDB-22 PHPDB-22: Update of gitignore PHPDB-21: Initialize abstracts. PHPDB-18: Composer update + new paths inserted.
Showing diff to88aef67fb66