Thomas Tornevall authored b9a6f11a73f
LIB-197 sslPemLocations removed (migrated) Move SSL handler into external class, covers: LIB-194, LIB-195, LIB-196, LIB-197, LIB-198 LIB-203: PHP in secure modes (getIsSecure + getSafeMode) LIB-206: Target environments in module_curl is no longer in use LIB-207: Bad name: hasErrorsStore LIB-208: Internal sslVerify => SSL::setStrictVerification LIB-209: extractConstants renamed to setConstantsContainer LIB-210: CURL/SSL: Migrate setSslPemLocations LIB-211: CURL/SSL: sslCertAuto has strange name, set to setStrictVerification() and deprecate LIB-212: CURL/SSL: Migrate hasSsl LIB-213: Do not, by default, use the SSL module certificate finder (trust internals!) -- setTrustedSslBundles LIB-214: Split curl initializer (set SSL parameters)