
Thomas Tornevall authored 50a4c002b61
NT-105: Moved mockdata into background scripts. Not because we need it, its more like a precaution fix. NT-105: Renamed config.js to tools-config.js and pushed the rawdata js-files into proper paths. NT-105: css modifications. NT-105: Deprecation: netToolsApiContentMockDeprecated NT-105: Upgrade: netToolsApiContentMock and netToolsApiElementRulesMock NT-105: Automatically prepare an export object (stringified data from the above mockobjects) in the config. NT-105: enableMock flag (should be activated from config). NT-105: Moved old scanner/analyzer into split methods, to make it easier to scan in categories. NT-105: Added method to get default rulesets from JSON. NT-105: Added extra options in configuration. * Speeding up detected matches in the scanning loop (breakOnFirstMatch). * Use mock instead of API - the only available option right now (apiMock).