
Thomas Tornevall authored 6bd750164eaM
Merge pull request #2 in WWW/network-tools-js from features/NT-105-configurables to master * commit 'c8f1079657f8d944a999544db94f667acbcebe25': NT-105: Added netToolsApiElementRulesMock (the purpose of this task) with rulesets for sites and class elements. NT-105: Replaced old bootstrap labels with new from v4.4. NT-105: Refreshed "removed element text" use labels. NT-105: Added internal template for bootstrap to .gitignore - it should not be included in the package as it may conflict with live elements on websites. NT-105: Added more sample words to test with in the badwords block. NT-105: Renamed badwords block to netToolsApiContentMock. In current state we only mock what should be reachable via API later on. NT-105: Added protection layer for old element testings.
Showing diff to995d002552e